3 Interesting Uses For Reclaimed Storage Trailers

There is no doubt about it, if you are looking for function and convenience in storage, storage trailers are an incredible investment. These storage containers can be moved with ease and hauled around to suit their owner on the back of a semi-truck, on a ship, or even on a train if necessary. If you happen  to come across a used storage trailer that is no longer needed by its owner, this is one structure worth buying and taking home to use on your own property. [Read More]

5 Ways To Keep Your Clothes Smelling Fresh While In Storage

Putting clothing in storage can be a great way to gain extra space at home while keeping your clothing in good shape until you need them again. While a storage unit can be a secure option, it is still important that you make sure to take some extra precautions so that your clothes stay smelling fresh in storage. Wash Everything Before Going in Storage The first thing you want to do before loading up your storage unit is give all of your clothing a good wash. [Read More]

3 Ways To Protect Yourself From Self-Storage Theft

Self-storage units are a handy way to protect your possessions while you're in the midst of a move, and they can help you achieve an uncluttered basement or garage by acting as a repository for things that you don't need every day but still want to keep. However, an unprotected self-storage unit can also be a treasure trove for thieves. Your storage unit doesn't have next-door neighbors to keep an eye out for suspicious activity, and the facility may not even be staffed at night, making it an easy target. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Use Self Storage If You Are Having Your First Baby

Expanding your family is an exciting choice to make. You consider so many things and want to make sure that you can provide a healthy, good environment for your future child to come home to. Some couples decide to move before having their child, but if you already have the perfect house and just need to make more space, then self storage provides the answer. Self storage gives you a convenient, safe way to store your belongings. [Read More]